Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Nikken MLM Home Business Review


Nikken Inc. is a wellness based company with its world headquarters located in Irvine, California. Nikken offers a home business opportunity by selling or marketing their products through MLM or multilevel marketing.

The Nikken product line consists of a large array of products. They include Air Filters/Air Filtration Systems, Aromatherapy, Cookware, Cosmetics, Health/Fitness/Wellness, Jewelry, Nutritional Supplements, Personal Care, Skincare, Water Treatment Systems, and Weight Management products. The product line has a lot of variety as you can see. Some testimonials that have been given by individuals that have consumed Nikken products include statements of increased energy and stamina, relief from headaches, arthritis, and other health related symptoms.

The business opportunity provided by Nikken contains a stairstep-breakaway compensation plan. This is one of the most easily confused and hard to explain comp plans. A big part of the stairstep-breakaway comp plan is that when a distributor reaches a certain qualifying point, they then breakaway from their original sponsor. When this happens, the original sponsor will now only get a certain percentage of everything the sponsored distributor's group is doing. When you take a look at the industry average, the Nikken compensation plan is not a bad comp plan, but each individual must be prepared to recruit.

In conclusion, Nikken seems to have a decent product line and the compensation plan would rate out as a fair in the MLM industry. If you don't mind having to get an average of 100-200 people on your team to make a $1000 residual check each month (which is pretty true with any MLM opportunity), then the Nikken business might be a great fit for you.

Brian McCoy is a top internet marketer and works with industry leading marketers from around the world. To learn more,click here to get his Formula of Perfect Wealth Newsletter.

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Monday, May 18, 2009

About Nikken


Nikken started in Japan back in 1976. At the moment they're about 25 years old, a fact that is often referred to by the company's representatives. They have a large market share in Japan and are now established in several countries. Most of their sales happen as far as I've understood in Japan and the USA, but they're also advancing quickly in Europe.

Nikken is based on a philosophy which states that life should be based on 5 pillars: a healthy body, a healthy mind, a healthy family, a healthy society and a healthy economy. To help you out with getting a healthy body they'll sell you a large variety of products. Most of these for sale in Norway are based on a magnetism. They do also sell other things like nutrional products, video films about their philosophy and Nikken's products as well as products for cleaning and "energizing" of water (both drinking water and the water in your shower).

When it comes to the healthy economy they'll like you to achieve one by selling their products to people you known (by the principle of network marketing). In addition to the usual profits from the products you sell directly and those sold by those you recruit there does (at least in the US) exist bonus systems with free cars, subsidized housing and luxurious cruises. The system is also designed to make you advance in status through further training and also by how much cashflow you generate.

I'm not going to write a lot about the company's history. Should you wish to read more about it I suggest you visit their website. [NIKKEN.COM]

Products based on magnets

First product to be demonstrated were the magnetic insoles. A "volunteer" was brought up and they tried to push him out of balance, first standing simply on the floor then standing on the insoles. Of course it was impossible to get him out of balance while standing on the insoles. The effect was explained as coming from the insole's magnetic force polarizing the body, which in turn makes it respond more quickly when somebody tries to get it out of balance. In addition it was said that the insoles can achieve increased blood circulation in the legs and less pain in the back and neck.

Next product were a couple of magnetic balls with knobs on them. These come with a frame so they can be used sitting in that frame for a massage, or you can take them out to play with them in your hand. I was asked to volunteer for this demonstration, accepted, and got one of the balls to hold in my hand. The presenter spun one of the balls in the frame underneath my hand and asked me if I felt anything. Of course I did feel something since the ball in my hand vibrated from the ball spinning below it. That can be easily explained by the laws of magnetic forces (basic physics knowledge). She concluded that the magnetic force would naturally effect the body in close proximity of the magnetic field.

The demonstration didn't end there, instead she'd like to demonstrate how the magnetic force could increase my flexibility. It started with her stretching the muscles in my chest (pectoids) by pulling my arms backwards until I told her to stop. Then I got to rest for a couple of minutes while she spun the two balls behind my back, thereby making the magnetic force affect my muscles. The stretching exercise was then repeated, and was supposed to result in my arms being able to go further back than when the test started.

During the two minutes I rested I was asked if I felt anything. To this question I answered "no" since I couldn't feel any effect at all from the magnets. Instead I felt a warmth going through the muscles in my chest, which in my opinion is a natural consequence from the stretching increasing the blood circulation. During gym classes at school we were taught that warming up meant more flexible muscles, and since the muscles in my chest became warmer it would result in them being more flexible. I am not surprised that this "example of the effect of a magnetic force" can be explained by simple principles of medicine and doesn't need any magnetism to work. The second stretch didn't show any particular increase, but I'm rather flexible from years of training.

Other magnetic products were also shown: different wraps for parts of the body, single magnets to be put where needed, a mattress and a pillow. These were told to have an effect on low blood circulation from diabetes, pains in fingers, elbow, shoulders and neck resulting from sitting in front of the computer, and PMS. Among these was a product for the wrist claiming to cure pain coming from working with a computer, particularly over long periods of time like 10-12 hours at work. Nobody mentioned that sitting 10-12 hours in front of a computer isn't a particularly good idea to start with. I'll get back to magnet therapy later.

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Saturday, May 16, 2009

How Magnetic Therapy Can Help You


Magnetic therapy has been in use for many thousands of years and it is still just as effective as it was when it was in use by ancient civilizations, such as the Ancient Greeks and Romans. This form of therapy has become more popular in recent years due to people's movement towards alternative medicine. This type of therapy is possibly more effective than it was previously since there have been many developments in the field since it was originally discovered.

One of the premium applications of magnetic therapy is magnetic jewelry that performs magnetic therapy while you are wearing it. This form of magnetic therapy can help you in various ways. Each different type of magnetic jewelry will provide you with different benefits, but certain beneficial attributes are common to them all. The potency of the beneficial effects corresponds to the length of time that the magnetic jewelry is worn. Therefore the longer you wear the jewelry, the more beneficial effects you will receive.

The magnetic therapy as provided by the magnetic jewelry will act as a pain relief for two reasons. Firstly, the magnets can help to stimulate the release of endorphins which are the natural pain killers of the body, which also help to stimulate the bodies healing process. The other means by which magnetic therapy can help with pain relief is that it can help to increase the rate of circulation, which can in turn help to flush away the toxins that may be a major cause of pain.

The magnetic therapy can also increase the level of oxygen in the blood stream that gets distributed within the body. This can help to increase your energy levels since the oxygen will be distributed to muscles and tissues. The increased level of oxygen can also help to increase your mental clarity and awareness. You are encouraged to wear your magnetic jewelry while you are sleeping so that you can increase the likelihood of having a long, deep sleep and waking up refreshed in the morning.

Magnetic necklaces can help to relieve pain caused by migraines and headaches, neck, back and shoulder pain as well as potentially relieving the pain caused by muscle spasms and lock jaw. Magnetic bracelets can help to relieve pain associated with, tennis elbow and Carpal Tunnel Syndrome, shoulder pain, tennis elbow, tendonitis and bursitis, as well as helping to relieve the pains caused by arthritis and rheumatoid arthritis.

Magnetic anklets can be of help when it comes to lowering the levels of pain associated with lower back and knee pain, spurs and inflammation in the legs and feet as well as helping to alleviate numbness of the legs. This is addition to the increase of mobility that the areas around the pieces of jewelry will experience. Not only do these pieces of magnetic jewelry give you amazing health benefits, they also look stylishly elegant and the ranges of styles that are available are sufficient to cater for anyone's requirements.

All magnetic jewelry information has been researched and written by Juliette Pickup
Health & Magnetic Jewelry

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Magnetic Therapy Jewelry Works Like Magic


In today's busy world, many people suffer from regular bouts of stress and body pain. It's understandable. After all, we do spend hours sitting in front of our computers. Some of us even spend the entire day standing or walking.

Magnetic therapy is a practice that is now gaining popularity. This therapy aims to use magnets for relief of muscle aches and pains. But before you dismiss magnetic therapy as just another fad, you should know that this practice has been around for centuries. Not only that, magnetic therapy has been studied a lot and the results are very positive.

What is magnetic therapy, anyway?

Magnetic therapy obviously employs the use of magnetic force. This force is actually really present in our lives, as exemplified in the magnetic field of the Earth's North and South poles. When harnessed properly, this magnetic force can be used to improve the condition of injured areas in the body.

More specifically, when our cells receive some form of injury, a positive electrical charge is released. Consequently, this charge alters the body's existing chemical and electrical balance. This imbalance contributes to our feelings of pain. Of course, the body's natural reaction is to counteract the damage by sending negative electrical charges to the site of injury. The negative will counter the positive charge thus, helping the cells heal better.

A negative magnetic field can supply this electric charge that's needed to initiate healing. By using a magnet with negative polarity, the blood flow will improve and the oxygen supply will be efficiently delivered to the organs. Since the blood flow is improved, the injured tissue gets the materials it needs. This will make the pain and inflammation subside faster.

So, magnetic therapy is well and good. The problem now is how do you keep a magnet on that injured site? It won't be practical to just hold the magnet in place. Taping the magnet to your skin isn't the best idea, either. The key is magnetic therapy Jewelry.

Magnetic therapy Jewelry is a fashionable way of conducting magnetic therapy. You would be able to sport stylish pieces of Jewelry and at the same time, you can keep the magnet close to the area of injury. Don't think that this concept is new either. In fact, there are records that told of Queen Cleopatra of Egypt wearing a magnet on her forehead, both as an ornament and as a way of keeping herself youthful.

So, why don't you follow in the footsteps of the beautiful Queen Cleopatra and use magnets for your well-being? If your ankle feels sore, try wearing a magnetic Jewelry in the form of an anklet. The anklet will adorn your feet and enhance your footwear. Meanwhile, the magnet can keep working on healing your sore ankle.

Aside from simple muscle pains, magnetic therapy Jewelry is believed to be effective for people who are suffering from conditions related to their spine. This includes osteoporosis, ruptured disks, and other bone injuries. Also, magnetic therapy Jewelry is perfect for athletes who put a lot of strain on their muscles. Magnetic therapy Jewelry is also perfect for back pain, neck pain, knee pain, arthritis and other conditions.

Magnetic therapy Jewelry isn't just about calming your sore muscles. In fact, if you use magnets with positive polarity, they can help stimulate your body. So, if you're feeling a bit sluggish or tired, put on a magnetic therapy necklace and your body will be activated and ready for the day ahead.

Penny Chisholm is a co-founder in Isis Jewellery Box, a UK based online store specialising in versatile and affordable magnetic therapy jewellery.

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Benefits of Magnetic Jewelry


Our Body and Electromagnetic Fields

Almost everyone made an electromagnet by wrapping a long wire around a nail and connecting it to a battery, but did you know that our bodies are also electromagnetic in nature? Electromagnetics is closely tied to the chemical balance of our body which can be either in a state of health or a state of dis-ease.

When our cells are damaged, there is a positive electrical charge at the site which affects the chemical and electrical balance of our body. This can cause us to feel pain. And because the human body is a wonderful healing machine, it sends a negative electrical charge to the damaged area to effect healing.

A natural way of helping our body's immune system is provided by the Earth's North Pole which is a geomagnetic north pole magnetic field. A negative magnetic field provides pain relief by oxygenating and alkalizing our body's defense systems. Negative magnetic fields also fight infection and inflammation by improving blood circulation so that more oxygen is carried to the cells in the body. Then toxic wasted are flushed out of the body more efficiently and our natural healing processes are enhanced.

Why Use Magnetic Therapy?

Research using magnets has shown therapeutic effects on the joints, nerves, tendons, and muscles as well as pain relief from work- and sports-related injuries. Magnets are effective in dilating blood vessels which could lead to a better blood flow, an increase in the oxygen level of our blood, and a more efficient flushing of harmful toxins from our body. These effects can alleviate certain types of pain such as headaches, which are caused by the restriction of blood vessels and the accumulation of toxins. This type of magnetic therapy is administered by placing magnets over the painful area. But many busy people do not have the time for this therapy because the magnet must stay in place for a long period of time.

Magnetic Jewelry

Magnetic jewelry addresses the need of placing a magnet over a painful area for a long period of time. Two examples are magnetic necklaces and magnetic bracelets. The necklace is believed to be effective is alleviating certain pain in our upper body including back pain, neck pain, headaches, and migraines. Bracelets can be effective in relieving shoulder, arm, and hand pain. Now people who cannot afford to devote a whole day to therapy can use magnetic jewelry.

Maryanne Frabotta
Please click on the following link for more info: http://www.nikken.com/product.cfm?themeID=3

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Functions Of Magnetic Jewelry


More than half of the population around the world suffers ache or pain ranging from mild to severe, somewhere in their body which diminishes the quality of their life. Fortunately with the want to lead a painless life certain devices made of magnet were discovered to serve the purpose of reducing the pain which with the changing time was shaped into jewelry in a variety of strengths that can be used for a multitude of purposes.

The piece of magnetic jewelry you choose and the strength of that piece is completely a matter of personal choice. The stronger the strength of the magnet the more effective it is likely to be, but the effects vary from person to person. The main purpose of magnetic jewelry is to provide comfortably diminishing pain through magnetic therapy. The increasing blood flow further increases the level of oxygenation of the blood and flushing out of toxins in the body on wearing the magnetic jewelry thus diminishing the pain.

The different types of magnetic jewelry are designed specifically to serve different location experiencing pain for examples necklaces help to alleviate pain caused by migraines and headaches, neck, back and shoulder pain as well as the pain caused by muscle cramps and lock jaw combined with the increasing blood circulation within the affected area. Similarly bracelets help to diminish pain from lateral epicondylitis and Carpal Tunnel Syndrome, shoulder pain, tendonitis and bursitis, arthritis and rheumatoid arthritis. The magnetic bracelets increase blood circulation, thereby diminishing numbness of the fingers and hands. Anklets On the other hand decreases the levels of pain associated with lower back and knee pain, spurs and inflammation in the legs and feet. Like bracelets it also helps to alleviate numbness of the legs. Preventing the joints from retaining water, increasing blood flow to the legs and feet and supporting the lower back are some of the extra potential benefits that the magnetic anklet provides.

All of the items of specifically designed magnetic jewelry will assist you by providing you with useful magnetic therapy helping you to reduce pain, inflammation, and giving an overall feeling of well-being even while you are going about your daily life. Beside these healths related facilities there is also the added bonus that they are stylish and creative pieces of jewelry that will make you look good as well. An impressive percent success rate in reducing pain, magnets have now become the powerful healing tools.

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